Northumberland Labour Council Attends CUPE Repeal Bill 124 Rally

April 4, 2022

Northumberland Labour Council was proud to stand with CUPE front-line healthcare workers on March 17, 2022 as they rallied in front of MPP David Piccini’s office. Sending a strong message to Repeal Bill 124.

Majority of health care worker in Ontario continues to work under emergency orders that supersede their rights under their collective agreement. They can be subjected to schedule changes, cancelled vacation and reassignment at a moments notice. Bill 124 and temporary bonuses for some, do nothing for the morale of these dedicated workers who make up a significant part of the team that provides great health care every single day.

Bill 124 affects mostly health-care workers. Majority of health-care workers are women. Bill 124 doesn’t cover any other emergency personnel, like paramedics, police, and fire – which tend to be male dominated. Bill 124 is sexist and discriminatory legislation. Bill 124 must be repealed.

Michael Hurley President of the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions, First Vice-president of CUPE Ontario stands with Northumberland Labour Council President Dan Tobin